My Immutable Journey with Casper III: The Next Block

Sid Sridhar
Casper Association R & D
3 min readDec 7, 2023


This is a finale of a 3-part series on building a protocol that eventually partnered with Casper and their R&D into EVM.

Where do I go from here? I’ve given my product to Casper as a formidable tool for the future of eWASM. But there’s something more here — the next block if you will…

The Birth of FentonVM

In the realm of blockchain technology, the integration of different platforms and languages is crucial for advancing innovation and user accessibility. Fenton represents a groundbreaking step in this direction, merging the advantageous aspects of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) with the enterprise-grade capabilities of the CasperVM. This blend of technologies is set to transform the blockchain landscape, offering unprecedented ease of development and robust network effects, all within a framework designed for enterprise needs.

The EVM Edge: A Pillar of the Decentralized Ecosystem

The Ethereum Virtual Machine has long been the cornerstone of the decentralized application space, boasting a vast array of innovative applications and a substantial user base. The EVM’s popularity stems not just from its ability to process smart contracts efficiently but also from its comprehensive infrastructure that fosters app development. This infrastructure’s strength is evident in Ethereum’s ability to form significant partnerships and handle enormous transaction volumes, similar to how React Native has become a go-to framework in mobile app development.

Why Casper Stands Out in Blockchain Technology

Casper Blockchain, developed by Casper Labs, brings a new dimension of scalability, security, and energy efficiency to blockchain networks. Its unique Correct-by-Construction (CBC) Casper consensus algorithm facilitates parallel execution of smart contracts, significantly enhancing throughput with over 2500 transactions per block. The CasperVM, a critical component of this architecture, is tailored for fast transaction processing and reduced transaction costs. This makes it an ideal platform for a wide array of decentralized applications, particularly in the realms of business and finance.

Fenton: Bridging the Gap Between EVM and Casper

Fenton’s role in this ecosystem is pivotal. As an EVM bytecode interpreter implemented as a Rust smart contract on Casper, it leverages the strengths of both platforms. Fenton enables existing EVM applications — including NFTs, DAOs, and DeFi projects — to run seamlessly on Casper and Rust, without necessitating any code modifications. This compatibility extends to major EVM development tools like Solidity, Metamask, Remix, Truffle, and others, fostering a comprehensive and accessible environment for developers.

Fenton introduces a suite of functionalities to enhance blockchain interoperability and efficiency. These include:

  • Uploading EVM Contracts: Fenton allows developers to upload EVM contracts, which are built by Solidity compilers, directly to individual Casper accounts.
  • Signature Verification: It ensures that signatures are checked and validated according to Ethereum’s established rules, even within the Casper framework.
  • Advanced Transaction Execution: Fenton is capable of executing transactions iteratively, taking into account Casper’s resource constraints while providing financial guarantees for the completion of transactions.
  • Gas Consumption and Payment Processing: Fenton accurately calculates gas consumption for transactions and facilitates user payments for gas consumed and fees in both ETH and any specified ERC-20 token.
  • Fee Management: It also handles the calculation and withdrawal of fees in CSPR tokens to the governance pool of the Fenton EVM from the operator account.

Fenton stands as a testament to the potential of blockchain interoperability and efficiency. By seamlessly integrating the established capabilities of EVM with the innovative features of CasperVM, Fenton is poised to open new avenues for blockchain application development and deployment. This integration not only makes the Casper ecosystem more accessible to a vast array of developers but also propels the entire blockchain field towards a future marked by versatility, efficiency, and widespread adoption.

I am super excited to see where Casper takes this with my direction and I am very excited for a world where you can attain enterprise scalability with consumer liquidity. Stay tuned for launch…



Sid Sridhar
Casper Association R & D

M.E.T @ Berkeley | Sold a fund | Sold a Web3 company | Sold my soul